Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Chick Pea Curry
Awhile ago someone in my staff room had some really amazing looking Indian food for lunch. I sat there, watching her eat, thinking that I really wanted to get some of that deliciousness for myself. As soon as I got home, I was on the Internets looking up recipes.
These ones for Chick pea curry and Indian spiced cauliflower and potatoes were from Smitten Kitchen. I don't have permission to write the recipe here, so you will have to click on over there to get a good look at how to make it. I can tell you they were amazingly good and I would have served it with rice, but I was completely out. (I know. How could I be out of rice, of all things?) I did manage to pick up some naan bread from the store, which went with it very nicely.
The recipes were really easy to make, and I highly recommend them. Spicy, but not too spicy.
Just delicious.
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