What do you need to make a serving of 1 of these per person at your table?
-a non stick pan
-thick slices of bread (one per person) a heavier, thick bread is better. I used home made maple oatmeal.
-eggs (one per person)
-butter or margarine
Using a biscuit cutter, cookie cutter, or even the top of a small glass, cut a hole out of the center of your slice of bread. Set aside.
Heat up your fry pan. Spray with a little cooking spray.
Butter both sides of your bread. Set it in the hot-ish fry pan to toast a little. (otherwise, the egg will be cooked but the bread won't be toasted)
When both sides of your bread are really lightly toasted, crack your egg right into that hole in the center. Let it cook until kinda set on the bottom before flipping over and cooking the other side, until the egg is cooked to however 'hard' you like it. Mine was well cooked, but it was delicious!
Serve with sausage or bacon.