This recipe came about entirely by accident. I had planned on making some pulled salsa chicken, but being the stubborn woman I am I didn't follow my own recipe. DUH. What resulted was something a little more soupy, so I improvised and voila! A sort of chicken chili, which was really delicious served over rice. Jake called it a dinner fail that produced yummy results! I call it a keeper recipe. Not only did I not heat up my kitchen, but we had a great dinner, too.
1/2 onion, chopped
1/2 sweet red pepper, chopped
8 boneless, skinless chicken thighs
1 cup Newman's Own Black Bean and Corn salsa
1/2 cup tomato sauce (or juice will do-I used the juice from a can of diced tomatoes)
1 tsp chili powder
1 tsp cumin
(if you like spicy, up the chili powder to 2 tsp and add some minced jalapeno, cayenne pepper, or a pinch of hot pepper flakes)
pepper to taste
couple scoops of tomato paste
1/3 cup corn
1/3 cup black beans
Throw the onion, sweet red pepper, chicken thighs, salsa, tomato sauce, chili powder, cumin, hot pepper flakes all together in your slow cooker. Cover. Turn it on to high to cook for 4 hours.
At the 3 hour mark, throw in the corn and beans. Stir. Let them continue to cook. Shred up the cooked chicken right in the pot. Just before the 4 hours are up, stir in some tomato paste to make it thick, then add some fresh chopped cilantro. Serve over hot steamed rice.
Serves 4.