The last few months have been big here in my home, as the whole idea of Food Revolution has changed what we eat, how we think, how I shop, etc. It only seems right that eventually, the change is going to spill over into my home on the Internets.
Recipes from the Cookie Jar was never meant to be a blog. It was a storage spot, of sorts, so that I could have a spot to keep my recipes for other people to see. I didn't promote it, I didn't really do anything to keep it up, I didn't even read the numbers for the traffic.
Last weekend Hubs and I went for a motorcycle ride through the Fraser Valley, and we passed field upon field of glorious produce, ripening in the sun. There's one thing about being on the back of a bike; you get a lot of time to think, and that day, I made the decision to change the direction of this blog.
Oh, don't worry. It's nothing too drastic. You will STILL get me talking a lot about food, there will be tons of pictures, and yummy recipes. THAT will not change. Those of you who know me well also know that I love good food, so I will still post things about decadent treats and fattening things along with the healthy stir fries and salads.
What will change?
I am putting myself on another challenge. A year long one, this time. One where I do the best I can to source out local, real food. One where if I can avoid buying processed food to a reasonable extent, I'm going to try. I want to feature local farmers, find those tiny hole in the wall places that bake from scratch, and take a look at the farmer's markets in my area.
Don't worry-I'm not turning into a complete health nut. I still LOVE chocolate ganache cupcakes, perogies fried in butter, and gooey, cheesy pizza. What I'm after is focusing on making it myself, rather than allowing big companies and factories make it for me. As Michael Pollan said the other day on Oprah (I'm paraphrasing), corporations aren't the best cooks. They cook with lots of salt, fat, and sugar.
I think I can do better-and maybe by showing a spotlight on things, I can help cause change as well.
How possible is it to avoid processed food? Is it so woven into our lives that it's really hard to avoid? How expensive is it to make your own? Can I do it on a budget? And can I even FIND the stuff I need? How time consuming is it going to be?
I don't really know the answers to those questions, but I'm game to find out. You are welcome to follow along for the ride and see what happens. I'll be posting about our adventures, as well as all the yummy food that comes out of my kitchen with photos and recipes.
Get ready, my friends. In September, we'll be Chasing Tomatoes.
(well...with cookies in either hand, of course.)