Too many blogs! Such amazing food! Not enough money, time, or people to feed!
I have been meaning to check out the Pioneer Woman's site for the longest time, and this week I whipped up her recipe for a summer stir fry.

The ingredients. I tried to find locally caught prawns, but they were a bit out of my price range. The zucchini and beans were straight out of a friend's garden, though!
And of course, because we're talking about Pioneer Woman here, there's butter involved.

Not a lot, but the addition of a bit of butter does make it really lip smacking yummy.

First you fry up the shrimp and garlic in a little butter and oil, and fight off your teenager as he hovers like a seagull, hoping to steal a shrimp when you're not looking. Smack him with an oven mitt and threaten to confiscate his beloved computer. Set the shrimp aside on a plate while you fry up the rest.

In a little more butter and oil, stir fry up the zucchini, beans, corn, and tomatoes. Ree is right-the trick here is to get the veggies so that they are still a bit tender crisp. All that green stuff is some fresh rosemary and chives from my garden, minced super fine.
Partly because the rosemary and chives are the only things that I managed to keep ALIVE this summer.
And did you know scarlet runner beans turn GREEN when you cook them? So weird.

Turn it all out onto a platter. Jake wanted rice with it, but this dish doesn't need any rice. Hubs had seconds, Jake had thirds, and we probably all ate way too much. It was DELISH.
Oh, you want the full recipe? Head on over to Pioneer Woman for all the detailed how-to. Try not to lick the screen, k?