Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Avocado and Sweet Pea Guacamole

avocado pea guacamole

I love guacamole and have a recipe for some that is super addictive, but the other day I wanted to try something a little different for school lunch. Something maybe a little less fatty, but still tasty with crackers. At work I'm often eating on the go so dip and crackers are a perfect snack to carry.

Awhile ago I picked up some Lesley Stowe Rainforest Crisps and found this recipe on the bottom of the package. Intrigued, I decided to use up a stray avocado on the counter. I wasn't really sure about it until the other day when in the staff room at work, I downed the entire thing with crackers in only a few minutes and sat there, contemplating whether I should lick the container. Even my co-workers noticed and giggled.

This may be a really great way to get your kids to eat a healthy dip if they aren't sure of avocados. The pea flavour is tempered a little, and there's some lime in there just to make it interesting. I love the Lesley Stowe crackers, but try it with whatever you like.

1 avocado, peeled, pitted, and chunked
2 tbsp freshly squeezed lime juice
1/2 clove garlic, minced
8 oz sweet green peas, thawed
1/2 tsp sea salt
dash of hot sauce

Blend up the avocado, garlic, and lime juice in a food processor. Add in the peas, salt, some fresh cracked pepper, and hot sauce to taste. Blend some more until smooth. Taste and correct the salt, pepper, and hot sauce to your liking. Now just gobble up with crackers!

Store in a covered, air tight container in the fridge. The top will go a darker green and trust me, it will look funky in the morning but if you give it a good stir, it will all look gorgeous green again. Try putting some cling film directly on the surface of the dip-maybe that will help.

Makes about 2 cups

Looking for more snack ideas? You may like these dips and dippers!

Apple, Ham and Cheese Dippers

Quick Veggie Dip 

Garlic Tahini Dip

Roasted Sweet Potato Hummus

Carrot Hummus

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